4 Reasons Why Solar Panels Are a Must-Have Accessory for Any Home

When homeowners think of must-have accessories for their homes, we will wager that solar panels don’t come very high compared to kettles, rugs, artwork, etc. Yet, despite not being an item we use in our everyday lives, solar panels deserve to rank highly on your home accessory list, especially with the cost-of-living crisis.

But what makes solar panels a more helpful home accessory than a kettle, we hear you say. The 1.2 million UK homeowners that opt for solar panel installation benefit from various advantages compared to those who don’t, from reduced energy bills, a minimised carbon footprint, potentially higher home values, and much more.

Yet, it can be costly to achieve these benefits, which is why many UK and Welsh homeowners shy away from them. Or see if they’re eligible for one of the many solar-grant options across England and Wales. Providing that you’re eligible or can afford the costs of solar panel installation, we outline why solar panels are a must-have accessory for any home below:

Increases The Value Of Your Property 

Solar panels are a must-have accessory for any home because they can potentially increase the value of your property if you decide to put it on the market. Ultimately, the main reason solar panels are so attractive to potential buyers is why you got them in the first place, cheaper energy.

No matter who your potential buyer is, everyone wants to find alternate ways of saving on energy. Since listed properties require an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), energy efficiency is a crucial selling point for many buyers.

So, a property with solar panels will look more attractive than one without since it’ll have a better EPC score, and the buyer won’t have to go through the cost or hassle of installing them themselves, which can be another point in your property’s favour.

While there is no set figure as to how much value solar panels will add to your home, it is estimated that they can increase it by 4% to 14%, which is almost on par with the amount of value a loft extension can add to your home despite not being as aesthetically pleasing.

Can Be Installed Free-Of-Charge

For a select number of homeowners, a range of grants is available that enable people to make home energy improvements to their property without incurring any fees (or reduced fees). These can range from solar-grants and new boilers to central heating and insulation, relieving your monthly energy bills and lessening your carbon footprint.

But how do you find out if you’re eligible? Using the website of experts in renewable energy installation, like Solar Panel Grants, you can check your eligibility, read related articles on their blog, look at customer testimonials, and much more. Consider visiting their website to learn more today and see how their services could help you start reaping the benefits of solar panels today.

The Cost Has Decreased Over The Years 

Even if you don’t qualify for solar-grants or get a grant that covers the entire cost of the installation, paying for a home solar system out of your own pocket is still viable. Because savings you make on your energy bills can quickly rack up, you’ll find that the installation cost will have paid for itself in no time.

But there is a silver lining even if you don’t qualify for solar-grants, as the cost of a home solar system has decreased over the years, decreasing by as much as 70% in the last decade. Due to this, solar energy has become more accessible to all (and the benefits of such!) no matter what a homeowner’s financial situation might be.

Provides Renewable, Clean Energy 

One of the most apparent reasons why home solar systems are a must-have accessory for any home is because they provide renewable, clean energy. Unlike energy sources that require burning fossil fuels, home solar systems don’t release harmful gasses or pollutants – like carbon dioxide – into the air/water supplies.

As we know, greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide are one of the most harmful substances to our earth’s ecosystem. Therefore, many UK residents try their hardest to live as eco-friendly as possible by making sustainable choices like switching to alternate heating solutions, driving electric cars etc.

Switching to renewable sources of energy, like solar panels, can result in jaw-dropping amounts of fossil fuels not being burnt – like up to 5,000 pounds of coal – and as a result, the emissions that come with the burning of such fuels.

Not only this, but many experts believe that renewable energy sources can take us even further in our battle to save the planet since they could help eradicate fossil fuel use once and for all and help people further reduce their carbon footprint. Ultimately these sources are the key to a cleaner and brighter future for all.