Learn about how Kingspan Timber Solutions can work with you

Kingspan Timber Solutions are hosting a webinar on Wednesday 25th August from 1pm to 2pm covering a variety of topics, including our build systems and their benefits for you. Book here

Our in-house experts will go through the entire Kingspan Timber Solutions process, beginning with who we are and how we fit into the Kingspan Group PLC. We will give you a guide to our detailing, timescales, and how we work collaboratively with you to achieve your project. We’ll also explain how we function as a part of the wider design process.

Our modern methods of construction use timber-frame and SIPs build systems. We will explain exactly how they differ and why they’re great solutions for modern, thermally efficient buildings. Our market-leading build systems are some of the most technically advanced that are available, and we’ll also outline the specific advantages our systems give.

Finally, we will go through our case studies, providing snapshots of previous schemes with specific attributes, so you’ll get the exact data showing how our systems are so unique.

Wednesday 25th August 2021

1:00pm to 2:00pm

A link to join the webinar will be sent to you once your place is booked. Book here


Who are Kingspan Timber Solutions
A little about us, who we are and how we fit into the Kingspan Group Plc.

MMC (Modern Methods of Construction) : SIPs and Timber Framed systems
These are what we do best. We’ll explain what SIP and Timber Frame construction entail, how they differ from each other and why they are great solutions for modern, thermally efficient buildings.

Features and Benefits
Our systems are some of the most technically advanced available and we’ll go through some features and benefits of using SIP’s and Timber Frame build solutions, and the specific advantages our systems give.

Detailing and Design Co-ordination
A guide to detailing, collaborative working, timescales and how we function as part of the wider design process.

Case Study Examples
A snapshot of some previous schemes with specific attributes.