Part L compliance advice at the Knauf Insulation Housebuilders Hub

Changes to the Part L Building Regulations (England) came into full force this summer. For new homes this includes a 31% reduction in CO2 and higher fabric efficiency standards.

It’s a lot to adjust to and the industry still has plenty of questions:

Can I still have flexibility in my design?

Do I need to increase to 150mm cavities?

What are the Part L limiting U-values?

How have Psi-value calculations changed?

To help provide some answers, Knauf Insulation launched its Housebuilders Hub – a free online library of tools, resources, and information on Part L and the wider housebuilding sector. This year Knauf Insulation also published an updated edition of its Part L Guide, which you can download free from the Hub.

From Part L compliant whole-house recipes* to the full, downloadable Part L Guide, the Hub will help you achieve your ideal specification.

Get started by visiting the Housebuilders Hub today

*Example recipes have been produced using SAP 2012 software and are intended for illustrative purposes only.